Saturday, January 12, 2013

Some things a man should know about style

-  If you can slip two fingers between your neck and the buttoned collar of a new dress shirt, the shirt will fit comfortably after laundering.

- The shirt placket, the belt buckle, and the trouser fly should all line up.

- The point of your tie should never fall below the belt buckle.

- Good shoes and a good haircut matter more than a good suit.

- You can't wear a bow tie with anything other than a tuxedo if you're under forty-five or not a          famous novelist or not a total geek, professor.

- A man in a good suit and tie looks chic; a man in a good suit without a tie looks more chic.

- A T-shirt that shows through a dress shirt is the male equivalent of visible panty lines.

-  Jeans should never meet an iron.

- Your belt and shoes should match in color, if not in material.

- Cigars are never stylish in mixed company.

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