Thursday, February 06, 2014

Black Raven- Secret Society Fashion Cult

Yesterday, I went to one of Cairo’s night-spots, which is a pretty casual place where you can dance and have fun with your friends. I’m not here to talk about the place anyways, its one of my favourite places in Cairo. But, I couldn’t help but notice the sense of fashion people have here.
Like seriously, can’t you people use a bit of creativity and experiment with clothes? Style is not about wearing what everybody else wears. Style defines you as a person and should be unique to each person. Fashion in the other hand is following the trends but still you should add your own flavor to it.
So, everybody in the place was dressed the same, whether its guys or girls. I mean I understand that black is sexy and classy! But, seriously it felt more as if we’re at a funeral or like the girls were just 1 person that has been divided to many. 90% of girls in that place wore BLACK skinny jeans with a BLACK tank top or blouse, not to mention hair and make-up, they all just looked the same. I felt I was lost there everytime I searched for a friend I just couldn’t find them because they all wore the same. You know, even if you want to stick with black atleast play around with styles, like wear a cropped wide legged pants, for example. The minority of girls though wore a bit differently and there was some color there but still they were all covered by these CATWOMEN wannabes.

Not to mention the guys, I mean I know you don’t have much of creativity and choices in your clothing, all you need is a t-shirt and a pair of jeans mainly. But, why were you all hiding under your hoodies? Is this like something that makes you look cool now? It felt like i was in some secret society ritual where all the men wore capes with hoodies.

So, eventually I felt confined in a dark  smoky place, all girls dressed in BLACK and guys covering their faces with their hoodies, it was more scary than fun!

I wish people would experiment more with their clothes and be brave to be different. It’s not a problem to be different than others, it shows how open you are to new things.

My conclusion is, some people need to understand what it is to have style and find what suits you best and stick to it. Also, not because everybody is doing it so you have to do it too! Have some character.

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